
Here you can find a list of past and current projects and jobs I have been working on.

Tutor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Since my third semester I have been working as a tutor in theoretical physics. My work included holding exercise classes, grading homework and coding assignments as well as exams. I also regularly needed to attend oral examinations as an assessor. I have been teaching Mathematical Methods of Physics, Theoretical Electrodynamics, Analytical Mechanics and Special Relativity, Introduction to Quantum Theory and Statistical Physics. I have also been filling in for lectures and plenary exercises.

uni:fit is the math preparation course my university offers for prospective STEM and economy students. I have been working as a teacher for these intense three week courses since my second semester. This includes classes such as Elementary Math, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Methods for mathematical proofs and Computational methods for physicists. This has been one of the most educating as well as rewarding experiences of my career and I enjoyed giving those courses every year. I would love to do more work like this.

The Gauß-AG is an awesome project done every easter and autumn break at my university (find more here). It basically is a series of one week workshops for high school students, where they can learn about any interesting topics that are taught at my university. I have been giving such a course on gravitational waves for three times so far. This included explaining advanced mathematical and physical topics such as differential geometry, general relativity and quantum mechanics on a high school level as well as doing interferometry experiments. If you are a teacher and interested in me holding such a workshop at your school or simply would like to exchange materials and experiences feel free to contact me.

Outreach for the Albert Einstein Institute
Ever since my first days as a student assistant in my second semester I have tried my very best to communicate the research done at my home institute, the Albert Einstein Institute in Hanover. I have been giving several public talks and workshops, visited schools to talk to physics courses and helped with exhibitions and events. All this has been done on a voluntary basis.

The DPG-Schülertagung is a scientific conference for high school students organized by the German physical society (DPG). I have been part of the organization team in 2017 and also gave a workshop on general relativity and gravitational waves there. The three day event was attended by around 100 students from all over Germany and featured not only talks and posters by the students themselves, but also plenary talks, discussions and workshops with invited guests. It is an events I wish I could have attended when I was in high school. Find more here.

Science Tunnel
The Science Tunnel is an interactive exhibition about basic research done at the Max Planck society. I was working for them as a guide and explainer at the Ideenexpo (an annual science far) in Hanover in 2015. I gave tours through the exhibition for school classes and other groups.

Teaching sound engineering at my school
This is were it all began. This is where I truly found my love for teaching. When I was in eleventh grade I was asked by my school to take over the role as an instructor for younger students in one of the extracurricular activities, namely the sound engineering group. For almost two years I taught kids how to prepare all the technical stuff for events such as school concerts and theater plays. This involved a lot of creative and practical training as well as basic education in acoustics and electrodynamics. It was an absolutely amazing experience, which showed me what a great pleasure teaching others is to me.